Gladiator, Shrinking to Atom & Growing Hatred For Finance Influencers | Weekly NishIsHere #69
New Gladiator trailer just dropped and everyone hates it
Hey friends!
Welcome to the 69th issue of “ Weekly NishIsHere” newsletter, where I am sharing interesting links about Tech, Creator Economy, Pop Culture & Business.
Hi, I am Nish (aka Nishat Shahriyar). This is my newsletter read by over two thousand awesome people (One like you!). Every week I share 4 links featuring Tech, Creator Economy, Pop Culture, and Business with a personal touch of Thoughts of the Week, Photo of the Week, and Quote of the Week. In today’s Issue, let’s dive into:
- I shrink 10x every 21s until I’m an atom
- I surprised her with 500 Drones for my Wedding Speech
- The Growing Hatred For Finance Influencers
- A photo story about luck and destination
- New Gladiator trailer just dropped and everyone hates it
I send 1 email weekly, with a packed-up newsletter (no spam). Stay tuned!
Note: This post was first published as my personal newsletter, “Weekly NishIsHere”. If you are interested in Digital Marketing, Tech, and Creator Economy, then SUBSCRIBE to My Newsletter.
♣ Thought of the Week
◘ Are you a late boomer?
I was blown away by this article last week. It is the most interesting article I have read in a while. This article discusses people who gain success after a certain age, while their earlier life looks like a failure to most of their family members and society.
I was reading this article and thinking, am I a late boomer? I married late…in my 30s, got my first job in my 32s, and became a dad in my 33s. Surly I was a failure to many of my family members and friends in my earlier 20–28.
Here’s an excerpt from the article:
You Might Be a Late Bloomer — The Atlantic
What do you think? Read this article (Free version) and tell me do you also think you’re a late boomer? Or you too in your early age of failure? (if so, please wait. Life is not finished with you yet!)
♣ Tech
◘ I shrink 10x every 21s until I’m an atom — The Micro Universe
The video title tells everything. This guy shows you what the micro-universe looks like. You might see this in the Ant-Man movie (if not I am sorry), but this video is the most realistic version of micro-universe.
♣ Creator Economy
◘ This video is one of the most creative things I’ve ever seen.
Famous tech creator MrWhoseTheBoss gave his wedding speech with the help of 500 drones!
One comment from the video –
“Came for the drones, stayed for the speech and cried for the love ”
♣ Pop Culture
◘ Did you watch the new Gladiator 2 trailer?
I was not ready for this! Denzel Washington in a Gladiator movie with Pedro Pascal? Hollymolly, I am in! (But nobody in the comment is happy with the rap song)
♣ Business
◘ Do you follow finance YouTubers online? I do, and this video is interesting — there is a hatred against them growing fast.
Why? Because they lost all of their authenticity. This video deep dive on the online following of the finance influencer, and why it is dangerous to follow their advice in investment.
Here’s a comment from a viewer:
“It was the crypto boom that made me realize how many of these guys were shills. They were all asking people to invest in a known risky asset, then came out later to act surprised. Anyone with financial credentials knows not to ask random YouTube followers to invest large sums of money in an unregulated asset.”
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♣ Photo of the Week
◘ Today’s photo of the week is an inspiring story. Read this thoroughly:
“This photo was taken in 1997 at the Great Wall of China. It shows Jack Ma (the founder of Alibaba) and Jerry Yang (the founder of Yahoo)
Two years before the picture was taken, in 1995, Jerry Yang had founded Yahoo and had become an internet sensation around the world. As a 10-year old emigrant from Taiwan, Jerry had never visited China, but was invited to do so in 1997
The translator who was assigned to him was a junior staffer at the economic ministry — a guy called Jack Ma”
That’s all, friends! I hope you like this issue!
Simply hit reply to let me know what you think! What section did you like most?
Don’t forget to pass this issue along to your friends!
Have a nice day!
— Nish
P.S. Liked what you’re reading? Buy me a coffee!
Originally published at
Nishat Shahriyar, @LifeWithNish
Hey! I am Nishat Shahriyar. You can call Me “NISH”
Welcome to my personal newsletter “Nish Is Here!”In this newsletter, I write about my interests, my reading lists, books, and what I’m watching. The vast majority of my interests relate to technology, creator economy, Pop Culture, and Business.
I am a profound reader. I love meeting new people, learning new things, and discussing new ideas.