Generate Luck, How Creator Make Videos & Starship | Weekly NishIsHere — Issue #67

Starship to the moon and mars!

Nishat Shahriyar
3 min readJun 14, 2024
Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

Hey Friend!

Welcome to the 67th issue of “ Weekly NishIsHere”! In this newsletter, I am sharing interesting links & my thoughts about Tech, Creator Economy, Pop Culture & Business.

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In today’s Issue, I talk about:

  • Can we engineer luck?
  • To the moon, and mars!
  • Justice League from 80s
  • How creator make videos
  • People Dumber Than You Are Making Millions

New issues dropping weekly. Stay tuned!

Note: This post was first published as a newsletter on my personal newsletter, “Weekly NishIsHere”. If you are interested in Digital Marketing, Tech, and Creator Economy, then SUBSCRIBE to My Newsletter.

♣ Thoughts of the Week

Source — @DanKoe

◘ Do you believe in luck? I believe we can work on increasing our luck over time. This a solid way to put it, your value, skill and the challenge you take on can help you increase your luck over time.

♣ Tech

Source — @SpaceX

◘ Take a look at this — Starship liftoff. Is not fascinating?!

“World’s largest and most powerful rocket launched into space. Possible future manned missions to the moon, Mars, and even beyond. Congratulations SpaceX!”

♣ Creator Economy

How we make YouTube videos // Colin and Samir

◘ Ever wonder, how creator make videos you watch on youtube? Here, Colin and samir provided a window into their work process on how they create video for their youtube channel.

This is as big as any TV production.

♣ Pop Culture

◘ How cool would it be, if Justice League was made with 80s fantastic creators? In the imagination of Artificial intelligence, you can now relive the 80s era of the Justice League.

Watch here.

80’s JUSTICE LEAGUE — Teaser Trailer | Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson | Retro AI Concept

♣ Business

◘ You ever feel like this, dumber people dumber than you… are making a lot of money. How? There’s a catch. They take dumb risk!

People Dumber Than You Are Making Millions // Anthony Vicino

This video is a good analysis of why dumb people spend time making big money. How individuals with seemingly average intelligence or unconventional methods achieve significant financial success. All of them took action on their ideas, regardless of their background or perceived intelligence level.

♣ Photo of the Week

◘ Cosmic Vortex, Naci Caba, Oils, 2000

Photo by u/nacicaba

♣ Quote of the Week

Source — @MattPaulsonSD

◘ This is the way. When you ignore everything and focus purely on your craft, you will win!

That’s all, friends! I hope you like this issue!

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Don’t forget to pass this issue along to your friends!

Have a nice day!


Originally published at

Nishat Shahriyar, @LifeWithNish
Hey! I am Nishat Shahriyar. You can call Me “NISH”
Welcome to my personal newsletter “Nish Is Here!”

In this newsletter, I write about my interests, my reading lists, books, and what I’m watching. The vast majority of my interests relate to technology, creator economy, Pop Culture, and Business.

I am a profound reader. I love meeting new people, learning new things, and discussing new ideas.

Buy me a coffee!



Nishat Shahriyar
Nishat Shahriyar

Written by Nishat Shahriyar

I write about interesting things! *Subscribe My Newsletter here:

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