Fatherhood | Weekly NishIsHere! — Issue #63
Hello good people!
Welcome to issue 63 of “Weekly NishIsHere”! I am sharing interesting bytes about Tech, Creator Economy, Pop Culture & Business in this newsletter, which 2,223+ people read & you’re one of them!
New issues dropping every week. Stay tuned!
Why I was away for 5 months?
Yes, this newsletter was on hiatus for five months. I did not send you any emails in these months. Because:
- I was enjoying fatherhood (my daughter is now 8 months old!)
- New job responsibility pressure (aghhh)
- And the worst of all, PROCRASTINATION (my bad)
Now I am fighting it back, though! I’ll be resuming writing this newsletter. You’ll get 3–4 emails every month from me. Don’t worry, I will never spam you. You can unsub any time if you want. But I wish you’ll stay with my future journey. I really want to share interesting bytes I find about tech, creator economy, pop culture & business with you!
So let’s not waste any time, dive into today’s newsletter —
Weekly NishIsHere! — Issue #63
If you are new here (If not, you can skip this!)
Hi, I am Nishat Shahriyar, Aka NISH. This is my personal newsletter where I share my work-life experiences as a Digital Marketer and discuss topics like Tech, Creator Economy, Pop Culture and Business every Thursday. I would appreciate your thoughts and opinions.
Checkout Previous Issues Here>
Note: This post was first published as a newsletter on my personal newsletter, “Weekly NishIsHere”. If you are interested in Digital Marketing, Tech, and Creator Economy, then SUBSCRIBE to My Newsletter.
♣ Thoughts of the Week
◘ This is why I write this newsletter. I want to meet interesting people like you. yes, YOU! Why not reply to this email, with a HELLO! I will surely reply to you!
♣ Tech
◘ I have to talk about Apple’s vision pro. I guess you are interested too. So here is an interesting analysis from my favorite YouTuber which you’ll like.
♣ Creator Economy
◘ If you are into creator economy, or somewhat interested in being famous, please watch this fascinating conversation of Tim Ferris (author of 4 Hour work week) with Colin and Samir about life, being famous & podcasting.
“Choose a game you can play for the long term.” — Tim Ferris
♣ Pop Culture
◘ Ever wondered why Tom Cruise runs in every movie? Because it matters! Here why:
This man has the most aesthetically pleasing run I have ever seen.
♣ Quote of the Week
That’s all, my friend! I hope you like this issue!
Love my Newsletter? Like what you’re reading? You can Buy me a coffee! I love COFFEE!
Simply hit reply to let me know what you think! What section did you like most?
Don’t forget to pass this issue along to your friends!
Have a nice day!
- Nish
- Follow Me: Twitter
Originally published at https://nishishere.substack.com.
Nishat Shahriyar, @rednishat
Hey! I am Nishat Shahriyar. You can call Me “NISH”
Welcome to my personal newsletter “Nish Is Here!”In this newsletter, I write about my interests, my reading lists, books, and what I’m watching. The vast majority of my interests relate to technology, creator economy, Pop Culture, and Business.
I am a profound reader. I love meeting new people, learning new things, and discussing new ideas.